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Artikelnr: KT4D080Z10S27LN12

  • Mill 4-12KT requires up to 15% less horsepower, enabling increased feed rates, even on small machines.
  • Inserts with 4 cutting edges
  • Advanced insert pocket interface ensures stability and consistent performance in difficult applications.
  • Excellent floor finishes due to minimal axial runout.

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  • Beskrivning
    • Mill 4-12KT requires up to 15% less horsepower, enabling increased feed rates, even on small machines.
    • Inserts with 4 cutting edges
    • Advanced insert pocket interface ensures stability and consistent performance in difficult applications.
    • Excellent floor finishes due to minimal axial runout.
  • Specifikation
    Märkt diameter, Ø 80
    Diameter, D1 80
    Max skärdjup, Ap1 max 12.1
    Ställvinkel, Kr 90
    Antal skär, Z 10
    Antal effektiva skär, ZU 10
    Valsfräs (ZU<Z) Nej
    Diameter, D 27
    Diameter, D6 60
    Längd, L 50
    Max varvtal, max RPM 19000
    Skärformat (Produktfamilj) LN..Q1206..R.. (Mill 4-12KT)
    Rotationsriktning R - Right
    Skaft/Adapter, typ Fräsdorn
    Invändig kylning/ Kylkanal Ja
    Produktfamilj Mill 4-12KT